(914) 277-4977
335 Route 202
Somers, NY 10589
Somers Historical Society Membership
Founded in 1956, Somers Historical Society is a not-for-profit organization and
receives funding through memberships, donations and competitive grants.
To become a member, please mail or email the form below. Payments may be
made via PayPal or check made payable to Somers Historical Society. Please
consider earmarking Somers Historical Society as the recipient of a matching corporate grant
if your employer has such a program.
Email: Somershistoricalsoc@yahoo.com
Mailing Address:
Somers Historical Society
P.O. Box 336
Somers NY 10589.
Membership Levels
____ Individual $25 ____ Family $40
____ Patron $100 ____ Corporate $250
____ Life $300
Address ________________________________________________
Phone ___________________Email____________________
Membership Level_______________________
Amount Enclosed $_________________
(Checks may be made payable to Somers Historical Society.)
Please indicate if you have an interest in one of the committees
listed below:
__Museum/Archives/Collections (oversees management of
Society's collections)
__Wright Reis Homestead (plans & coordinates activities at
Wright Reis Homestead)Committee
___Publications/public relations (responsible for publication of
newsletter, website maintenance & Society publications)
___Education/programs (develops, plans & coordinates
outreach programs)